Tuesday, February 18, 2014

NY free fitness classes

I found myself at Hannafords Supermarket this weekend and the overheard announcements stated lots of things about fitness, nutrition help, etc.  I found out that their healthy living website offered lots of free advice and actual FREE fitness classes that includes yoga, circuit training, pedaling for parkinsons programs, etc.  All you have to do is live in NY and register... go to http://healthyalbany.org/blog1/register/ to see a list of classes available.  I wish we had them here in MA!  The Shoprites in NY are also offering free cholesterol tesing with no fasting required upcoming this week. Check their website for details. Both stores offer in store nutritionists to answer questions, give store tours, and host classes on specific subjects.  Great deal for those looking for additional help and support!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Outdoor sports equipment and cast iron pots

I blogged on the rentals on "Things that work" but because it was such a good deal, I had to mention here for those not tied to both blogs.  Eastern Mountain Sports offers day rentals of equipment such as x-country skis, sleeping bags, packs, kayaks, tents, snowshoes, etc.  The snowshoes were only $15 per day and the kayak was $20-35, depending on the day.  If, after your day of using the rental equipment, you LOVE it and have to HAVE it, they will deduct the rental fee from the retail price upon your return :)  What a deal! They also offered guided excursions. For example, the latest one was to a local mountain for some instructional mountain climbing with gear. I have to believe other sports retailers offer something similar, so be sure to call your local dealer and ask about their options.  Worst case, you gave them a priceless idea of how to engage their customers outside their walls.

The second deal I found today was on cast iron cookware.  The link http://www.agrisupply.com/Category.aspx?ss=&c=5400000&sb=&pgnum=1&pgsize=all&filter=100000001119eq100000001271 shows all the cookware in the catalog at listing, and starts with some REALLY big items- no fear, keep scrolling down for the more usual sizes.  The prices were quite impressive for this heritage item.